Photo shows a group of Footers with Pauline showing off the cape and Christine pointing to the 50 on it
5k Special Feature

Achieving a parkrun milestone – Or, how I learned to love running

I did my 50th parkrun on Saturday 20th July 2019, and I wanted to reflect on the impact parkrun has had on my life. This isn’t a run report. Or even all that much about running. It’s a bit of an incoherent ramble about my transition from a reluctant runner and exercise class aficionado to …

Ultra Marathon

West Highland Way Race – 22nd – 23rd June 2019

Devil’s staircase, Sunday 23nd June, 00:15 A man drops to his hands and knees on the narrow, winding, rocky path. “Just give me a minute. I’ve got nothing left.” A woman stands over him. She is looking at a stopwatch. “You’ve got a minute, but then we need to get going. We have to get …


Montrose Sprint Triathlon – 2nd June 2019

One year ago I completed my first ever triathlon: The Montrose sprint. A great experience, I really enjoyed the event but also the friendly atmosphere created by the organisers, volunteers, participants and supporters. I duly entered this years Sprint Event (750m swim, 20ish Km bike and 5k run) on the day it was released – …