Back in December I published my Depth Year 2019 post, which set out my goals and hopes for the year. As a reminder, here are the goals: Limit my social media time to 20 minutes per day, except if I’m involved in an important group chat about something: no mindless scrolling. Uninstall or block notifications from …
Christmas Parkrun at Hay Lodge – Wednesday 25th December 2019
Christmas morning. A time for getting up at the crack of dawn and experiencing the wonder of the season through the eyes of small children? A time for peeling sprouts? Visiting relatives? Getting stuck into the sherry straight after breakfast? I’m the youngest member of the household where I spend Christmas, and, as has been …
Pauline’s Depth Year Diary – September – October 2019
Back in December I published my Depth Year 2019 post, which set out my goals and hopes for the year. As a reminder, here are the goals: Limit my social media time to 20 minutes per day, except if I’m involved in an important group chat about something: no mindless scrolling. Uninstall or block notifications from Instagram …
Forfar Multi-Terrain Half Marathon – 3rd February 2019
This was my second year running Forfar’s Multi Terrain half marathon, a race which is very popular with a high demand for places. Organised by the town’s own running club Forfar Road Runners, this is a well organised event & typically sells out in minutes not hours so you have to be quick!! This race …
Auchterarder Running Festival Half Marathon – Sunday 3rd November 2019
I wasn’t sure until the day before whether I was going to run this race or not, but I’m so glad I did. I’d signed up for it the day it opened on Entry Central as it sells out really quickly, and I figured it was better to have a place and defer it rather …
Hazlehead Parkrun – 19th October 2019
I woke up at 06:43am on Saturday 19th October, and immediately realised my alarm hadn’t gone off as I should have been woken up earlier. Six days previously I had completed the Chicago Marathon. It was raining cats and dogs in Aberdeen on the Friday night, and my body clock still hadn’t fully adjusted to …
Chester Marathon 2019 – 2 out of 3 ain’t bad
The goals for 2019 have not panned out as I planned. My aim for my running life was to look more to trails and ultra-running, although I did know marathons were still going to play a part. I had no plans for a spring marathon as the Glen Lyon Ultra was my main race. This …
Chicago Marathon – Sunday 13th October 2019
When I started running two and a half years ago, I just thought of it as a nice social form of exercise. I liked that it was easy to measure performance, and that I seemed to be making good progress at it. If anyone had told me I would end up running marathons, and even …
Chasing the Dream – Or, training for Chicago Marathon whilst life gets in the way
When I went into Loch Ness, I – only half-jokingly – said “one and done.” If Charlotte could pace me round to a sub 3:30, I’d never have to give over 4-and-a-half-months of my life to marathon training again. In those last few miles, when my brain was shutting down and Charlotte was shouting at …
Lochore Meadows parkrun – 14th September 2019
Why would someone get up earlier on a day off than they would for work? To indulge in a spot of parkrun tourism of course! Arthur Grant from Arbroath Footers has kindly organised a program of 12 tourist parkruns – one per month for a year – and the first one was Lochore Meadows, The …