Not the Berlin Marathon: Virtual Gothenburg Marathon 2021

Sometimes things don’t work out as planned. And sometimes that’s okay. Last weekend I should have been running the Berlin Marathon, alongside Bekele.   I mean, not literally alongside.  On my best day I couldn’t even enjoy the breeze he leaves in his wake.  Instead, I spent it enjoying the uncharacteristically warm and dry weather in …

Photo shows the start of the marathon

Loch Rannoch Marathon – 14th October 2018 – by Barry McDonald

Although I’ve been playing football for a number of years, I only really starting running properly (rather than for football training) this year. I had done Montrose Parkrun a few times, entered a few 10km races, a few half marathon races (including the Dundee Half DRAM where I was the first BRR member home despite …

Photo shows Loch Ness in summer

Getting to the Start Line: Experiences of a First Time Marathon Runner

Never has a race so completely dominated my life for months as this one did. I’d done two 10ks, a couple of 10 milers, and plenty of 5ks, but at the time I signed up for Loch Ness Marathon, on 11th June, I’d not even run a half marathon as I’d had to withdraw from …